Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Educational Trip @ Laguna

                                   The Wonder of Laguna 

During our Way to Laguna we have a tourist guide who's telling a story about the places we passed by.Until we reach or destination, the first destination is the what they called Sampaloc Lake which is an inacive volcanic maar on the island of Luzon.It is the largest of the seven lakes of san pablo, laguna lake's depth has a shallow depression at the lake's  bottom, indicating its volcanic origin.                                                             The lake is located behind San Pablo city hall and is dotten fishpen and small cottages built on stilts.
On our second destination is the Lake Pandin it is said to be "the most pristine" of the seven lakes of San Pablo.

Pandin lake has a twin and ti is called the Yambo lake.It was told that these two lakes were named after two lovers. According to the legend, a beautiful woman named Pandin was cursed not to step on the earth, otherwise, something terrible would befall her. Yambo, her ardent lover, did not know about the curse and had made her step on earth, after which there was a terrible noise followed by the cracking grumble of the earth and a heavy downpour eventually converted the area into twin lakes separated from each other by a bare strip of land.

and the last lake that we visit is the Bunot Lake.
Lake Bunot is one of the Seven lake of San Pablo, Laguna It is located in Brgy. Concepcion San Pablo. Only 4.5 km from the city proper, Bunot is known for its cultured tilapia and fishpens for Nilotica fingerlings. Bunot has a normal surface area of 30.5 hectares with a maximum depth of 23 meter.
Bunot is a convenient site for picnics. It is a real haven for nature lovers. Ideal for swimming and relaxation.

materials recovery facility, materials reclamation facility, materials recycling facility or Multi re-use facility is a specialized plant that receives, separates and prepares recyclable materials for marketing to end-user manufacturers. Generally, there are two different types: clean and dirty MRFs.

and our final and last destination is the BATO SPRING wherein it is a free flow water so that it is natural. The water is so cold and we just enjoy the moment we have on tha tday. Im so glad that Mr. Dolojan held this kind of educational tour becase we learn a lot of things like on how to motivate our self on how to dispose our waste in a proper way.

                                                               KRIS JUSTINE CRUZ
                                                            JHANIÑA LAGDAMEN
                                                             JESSIL GUBAT
                                                             JAY VHONE CRUZAT


Monday, September 23, 2013

Environmental Science

We are a freshmen studying at Lyceum of the Philippines University found at Intramuros, Manila. In the department of Bachelor of Science International Tourism and Hotel Management class of 2013-2014, section H-176. Our subject for this blog is Environmental Science under Sir Dennis Dolojan or most known of Love Mindanao. This subject is about the Environment.

Bohol, Chocolate Hills

This blog is to show places you should visit whenever you're at the Philippines. We would also share knowledge and make articles of our events. We hope you enjoy visiting our blog. God bless!

A shot taken by our Prof Sir Dennis Dolojan.

Here are the pictures of our group:
Kris Justine Cruz
 Hotel and Restaurant Administration student

Lorielyn Valdez
Tourism student

Jhanina Lagdamen
Tourism student

Jessil Gubat
Tourism Student

Jay Vhone Cruzat
Tourism student

Sustaining Population

What is population?

It's simple. Population is the the rate of people living in a community.

The earth is currently supporting over 7 billion people ever than before and it is still growing at a large number of people. According to Population Growth and Renewable Resource Management the challenge of sustaining people and the environment, "It is a triumph that advances in human skills, technology and modern energy enable us to reduce death and disease, and increase productivity of the
world's resources to such an extent. On the other hand, sustaining this enormous and
growing population involves an unprecedente Qassault on the natural environment. We are
degrading life's three essentials, clean water, air and land; running down non-renewable
resources, such as oil and minerals; over-exploiting renewable resources, grasslands, soil,
forest and fish; and interfering with our most fundamental but least understood ecosystems,
the oceans and stratosphere. The question is whether the planet can continue to sustain
growing populations, or is reaching the limits of its human carrying capacity. Worse,
humankind might not only reach, but reduce those limits: by over-exploiting natural
resources we may be permanently reducing the earth's capacity to sustain us."

How do we sustain population?

We can sustain population through family planning and women can use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. When it comes to sustaining population the country of China is one example of it. Because of the governments one child policy, they are somehow able to control the growth of the population in their country. The control of the population starts at the smallest unit of the community.
Nowadays teenagers are very sexual active unlike before. One other way that you can control population is Abstinence, which includes not sexual interaction until marriage.

Lyceum Goes Green!

Environista 2013

Lyceum of the Philippines University of Manila had organized a pageant to represent the environment. The organizers of this is event is the L.P.U. Environmental Society Officers 2013-2014 with the Lycesgo president, Ms. Warley Yap and was help at the L.P.U. Quadrangle grounds. The event promotes students usefulness, efficiency and to promote conservation of our environment. It's theme MARVEL: AGENTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT. 

A photo of the L.P.U. Environmental Society Officers 2013-2014
 with the Lycesgo president, Ms. Warley Yap.

4th runner up Miss Lae Juarez
The contestants obligations are to design a costume that they will be wearing. The goal is to design a garment made out of recycled materials. This event is not just some pageant to show how a pretty face can bring home the award, but to show people how important the nature is. It helps people remember that we have the responsibility to take care of mother earth. As long as we can, we need to apply the 3 important R's and that is to reduce, reuse and recycle. that is why the garment that they wore was made out of recycled materials.

Was able to go through the top 25 Miss Rose Anne Sarmiento 

The students of Lyceum showed the Philippines how creative Lyceans are. If you were able to watch the event you would be amazed and entertained of it because of the garments they made. It makes us proud to be a Lycean to see  how they were able to create costumes by their own and with the help of their fellow classmates and friends. To see how supportive they are to the candidates makes them feel heartwarming and boosts up their confidence to do the best they can to be crowned as the Environista of the year 2013.

For the crowd to be entertained, the lyceans prepared a number during the breaks and a special guest from The Voice sang When I was your man. Of course, the girls were all cheering, shouting for his name and would be all blushing. His name is Stan from Apl 'd Ap's team. Everyone was charmed by his cute smile and his voice is so cold it makes the girls shiver. We were really entertained and the crowd loved him!

This event is one of the most awaited event of the school year, To show off what the Lyceans can to and boost their confidence. You can see how this event can be eco-friendly and at the same time be fashionable and you can be able to save money from making your costume with recycled materials. And for the most awaited time of the event, is the awarding of the Environista. Though there are so many potential contestants that exerted their efforts to their garments and delivering their show off's during the event, there can only be one winner and that is "The Phoenix Darvs" from the higher level of College of Arts and Sciences department.

That would be all! Remember that beauty is not the key to achieve at everything, but the beauty of the heart and mind will lead you to success. It is the same as being a true Environista, you have to be willing to serve and help protect mother nature.

Group members:
Kris Justine Cruz
Lorielyn Valdez
Jhanina Lagdamen
Jessil Ferreras
Jay Vhone Cruzat

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Water Pollution


    (Assessment of Pasig River and Manila Bay)


The Pasig River, is a river in the Philippines that connects Laguna de Bay to Manila Bay. Stretching for 25 kilometers (15.5 mi), it is lined by Mero Manila on each side. Its major tributaries are the Marikina River and San Juan River.

                                               Before the mass urbanization of Manila, the Pasig River served as an important means of transport; it was the city's lifeline and center of economic activity. Some of the most prominent kingdoms in early Philippine History, including the kingdoms of Namalayan Manila, and tondo grew up along the banks of the river, drawing their life and source of wealth from it. When the Spanish established Manila as the capital of their colonial properties in the Far East, they built the walled city of Intramuros on the southern bank of Pasig River near its mouth.

After World War II, massive population growth, infrastructure construction, and the dispersal of economic activities to Manila's suburbs left the river neglected. The banks of the river attracted informal settlers and the remaining factories dumped their wastes into the river, making it effectively a huge sewer system. Industrialization had already polluted the river.In the 1930s, observers noticed the increasing pollution of the river, as fish migration from Laguna de Bay diminished. People ceased using the river's water for laundering in the 1960s, and ferry transport declined. By the 1970s, the river started to emanate offensive smells, and in the 1980s, fishing in the river was prohibited. By the 1990s, the Pasig River was considered biologically dead.

Future Pasig River

File:Pasig City in the future.jpg
Efforts to revive the river began in December 1989 with the help of Danish authorities. The Pasig River Rehabilitation Program (PRRP) was established, with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources as the main agency with the coordination of the Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA).
In 1999, President Joseph Esrada signed Executive Order No. 54 establishing the PRRC to replace the old PRRP with additional expanded powers such as managing of wastes and resettling of squatters.
The PPRC perspective sketch design of the Pasig River in the future.


Manila Bay was connected to Laguna Lake (or Laguna de Bai) approximately 3,000 years ago. Recurring episodic uplifts along the West Marikina Valley Fault caused the two to break up. Interaction between Manila Bay and Laguna Lake occurs only through Pasig River.

With then Mayor Lito Atienza's program Buhayin ang Maynila (Revitalize Manila), in 2002, the local government made the initiative of enhancing the seaside promenade of Manila through urban renewal, upkeep and improvements. What later became known as Baywalk, the facelift of the 2 km strip of central public space aimed at creating a venue for social interaction and recreation.

With the presence of ports, sea-based sources of pollution around the bay are from ships and motorized boats. Twelve oil spills were recorded in 1995, but it was in 1999 where the highest total volume of oil spill occurred in the Manila South Harbor and Limay, Bataan. Increased presence of oil and grease in the waters are attributed to maritime activities at the harbors, together with the presence of oil terminals and the discharges from industries. These factors directly impacted the health of Manila Bay's waters.

And until now i am still hoping that someday we can have the clean and peaceful environment we've been dreaming for the sake of all the people, animals, natural resources and to the next generation.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse (including anal and even oral sex), contaminated blood transfusion, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV.


According to researchers, two viruses cause AIDS, namely HIV-1 and HIV-2.
HIV-1 is the predominant virus in most part of the world, whereas HIV-2 is the most commonly
found in west africa . These viruses belongs to a family called the retroviruses. They are unique viruses in that they are able to insert their genetic material into the genetic material (DNA) of cells of the person that they have infected. In this way they are able to infect a person for the rest of that person's life.


  • One of the first signs of ARS/Acute Retroviral Syndrome can be a mild fever, up to about 102 degrees F.The fever, if it occurs at all, is often accompanied by other usually mild symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph glands, and a sore throat


Achy muscles, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are part of your body's immune system and
 tend to get inflamed when there's an infection. Many of them
 are located in your armpit, groin, and neck.
  • Skin rash
 Skin rashes can occur early or late in the course of HIV/AIDS.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
These symptoms can also appear as a result
 of antiretroviral therapy and later in the infection,
usually as the result of an opportunistic infection.

Dry cough

This symptom—an "insidious cough that could be going on for weeks that doesn't seem to resolve,"Dr. Malvestutto says—is typical in very ill HIV patients.

 Nail changes

Another sign of late HIV infection are nail changes, such as clubbing (thickening and curving of the nails), splitting of the nails, or discoloration (black or brown lines going either vertically or horizontally).
 Tingling and weaknessLate HIV can also cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. This is called peripheral neuropathy, which also occurs in people with uncontrolled diabetes."This is when the nerves are actually damaged," Dr. Malvestutto says.
These symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and antiseizure medicines such as Neurontin (gabapentin).

**Treatment as prevention has been used successfully by doctors to prevent mothers from passing HIV to their babies. Mother-to-Child transmition prevention, involves the screening and treatment of  pregnant women and their new-born babies.
Increasingly, treatment is being used to prevent HIV transmission. Good adherence to antiretroviral treatment can lower a person’s viral load and reduces the risk of onward HIV transmission.HIV treatment known as pre-exposure prophylaxis is also used by people who may be exposed to HIV, for example, discordant couples.
Overall, HIV prevention programmes should be comprehensive, making use of all approaches known to be effective rather than just implementing one or a few.